How to Discern True from False Religion
I confidently assert that Catholicism is the one true religion and all other religions are false, and of all the false religions Islam is...

BISHOP PATRICK MCKINNEY - Yet another two-a-penny bog-standard shepherd of anti-church
Bishop Patrick McKinney celebrated Mass for obstinate and proudly unrepentant grave sinners of the assorted lesbian, sodomitical,...

Clerical sodomophile cabals in the English church
Fr Dominic Howarth is a leading light in one of the clerical sodomophile cabals in the English church I have coined the word...

The Orlando Massacre Or: Straight and Crooked Thinking
The Orlando massacre of some fifty homosexual men and women in a homosexual bar in Orlando was an unspeakably wicked act. And it goes...

Gay Sham Marriage Exposed as a Deception
The Argument For Gay Sham Marriage Is Exposed As A Deception In This Ground Breaking Book For years the public has been brain washed with...