Catholic Dating | Catholic Online Dating

Catholic dating for FREE
Catholic dating for FREE: you can join the Catholic Unattached Directory for a whole two months completely FREE. So you have sixty days to decide whether this is for you before you part with a penny of your hard earned cash. Even f you decide to continue, it cost no more than a few quid a month!

FREE membership also entitles you to download a FREE eBook on love and marriage: a masterpiece written by the late Professor Dietrich von Hildebrand, the Catholic philosopher and theologian who was acclaimed by Pope Pius XII as a “20th Century Doctor of the Church.” This is one of those rare books that has the power to change the world for the better.
The Catholic Unattached Directory is enormous fun. It is an easy, relaxed and very enjoyable way of making contact with new people and finding new friends and romance. Just imagine coiling up on your favourite settee with a cup of coffee and a list of our members, everyone of whom is interested in a relationship with a Catholic of your age and gender. Think of it as like going to a dance and finding that everyone in the room who would like to dance with you personally has a sign above their head that only you can see. How helpful would that be! Catholic Dating for FREE
Picture yourself working your way through the list and short-listing those members who from their description appear to you to be the sort of person with whom there was a potential for friendship. Surely, this has to be a lot more fun then getting dolled up and going out on a freezing cold night and sitting around in a nightclub, and wondering how many, if any, of the other clubbers are interested in you – or worse, worrying that you may be invited home by the mad axe man.
To learn more about Catholic Dating, click HERE